

Simpsons "Stemed Hams" Parodies


The internet was created with the intention of collecting the world's total knowledge into one vast, infinite library, where thinkers and scholars and artists could create freely and contemplate the universe. Instead, we just wasted out time by watching a bunch of silly parody videos.

Here are a couple wildly funny video spoofs of the "steamed hams" bit from The Simpsons. I'm sure you've seen this episode a hundred times, it's a comedy classic with Principle Skinner and "Super Nintendo" Chalmers. The first video fuses voice clips to the climactic battle in Nintendo's Super Mario World, and it works surprisingly well. The second video is a mashup of audiovisual clips that parodies Gorillaz, which is something of a semi-parody musical act. I really enjoy this one, as it reminds me of the wave of "YouTube Poop" videos that exploded across computer screens in 2008. Are we now seeing the next generation of those spoofs?

I have no idea why the kids have glued onto "Steamed Hams" as much as they have, but I'm glad they did. What do I know? I'm a rapidly aging Generation X'er who's still running a weblog like it's still 2005. Does anyone even know what a "blog" is anymore? I'm the last of the dinosaurs.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi. NPCarlsson, here. Creator of the second video. I want to say thanks for referring to my video and I also feel the need to point out that I, along with many many others, still make YouTube Poops to this day. So, yes, in a way it is a new generation but, of a style of video that never really left. They've been there in the background from 2004 to today and I'm glad that within the past year or so, they're slowly making their way back to the foreground. I'd recommend digging for some recent ones if you or anyone else likes this sort of thing. Some poopers I'd suggest are Jimmy Davis, DaThings1, HourofPoop, Cory the Norm, Schaffrillas Productions and EmpLemon, to name a few.

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